We are an United Kingdom based company founded to provide effective and innovative new technology instruments for metal treatments , galvanic and precious metal refinery products of quality and high reliability at a reasonable price wordwide.
The company has set itself the mission of offering all women and men cosmetics innovation in terms of quality, efficacy and safety.
Welcome to Kobold Messring GmbH, your leading company in the field of industrial measuring and control devices from the area of flow, pressure, level and temperature.
ALLDAY is the architect of fashion, brings a different breath to the sector and is moving rapidly towards becoming an innovative, creative and leading platform. Allday is not only elegan but also value to the world of women's clothing, brings the sector a young, dynamic, energetic and modern perspective.
ArcelorMittal RZK Çelik, the shining star of the steel industry, provides service with its experienced and professional staff who keep the pulse of the industry
To become a “World-Class Company” as one of the leading companies among all the industrial companies in Turkey with a high value-added product content of 3.5 million tons of steel production in the second century of our Republic.
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